
At some point, reality must be acknowledged.

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Michael this is so well said.

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Very good discussion and appreciated near Nashville this morning. Confusion reigns in this matrix. There is a great deal we do not know yet and this ignorance is a big part of the issue.

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Nicely written. You might find the research from Israel interesting.


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While if true it is a tragedy, however I am skeptical of the entire act. Two different pair of shoes on the alleged perpetrator in two different "scenes," multiple crisis actors on scene from "other" supposed shootings, no blood splatter on the wall, totally empty building, no children present in video, classrooms empty, neatly kept., all and sundry. I don't know what I don't know, but what I do know is what they said happened, "DIDNT." I would rather not speculate, its seems an emotion directed, contrived distraction. We have all grown up watching Hollywood productions and I am afraid we are living in the grand deception; and the so called, "Church" and sundry groups are in on it.

Lord have Mercy

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if the killer had been an angry white guy who left a manifesto, it would have been made public immediately. how many screen shots did we all see of dylan roof's room with his flags and guns on prominent display? but because the trans unhinged ideology is "protected" we aren't being show this. just like when "the car" drove into that christmas celebration because it was inconvenient to say that a "black man drove" his car into that crowd.

children have always looked up to adults for guidance and protection. where are the adults these days? taking their kids to drag shows and telling them it's ok if they want to change their gender? no wonder

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